
Binance spot market prices in real time and profit calculation against the entry prices of the coins in the wallet.

COIN Current price Target price Wallet price %
AR wait... 0.000 34.511
ARB wait... 1.060 0.928
BTC wait... 68085.000 67003.070
DOGE wait... 0.000 0.140
ETH wait... 0.000 3531.950
FET wait... 1.004 1.338
FTM wait... 0.820 0.646
ICP wait... 0.000 10.198
JUP wait... 0.000 0.942
LTC wait... 0.000 77.930
STRAX wait... 0.000 0.062
W wait... 0.000 0.540
WIF wait... 3.220 2.606

Activation price:
Trailing Delta%:
Limit price: